I was bored today, so I thought I would make another blog today to keep myself entertained and talk about something. Its another pet hate that annoys me in video games and it is a re-occurring thing. Day 1 DLC.
One thing I really hate in the gaming industry |
Recently, a game called Evolve launched to the public, many claming it to be the GOTY, but really. Its only been 2 months into the year, plus we got The Witcher 3 and The Division to come, don't get your hopes up for an Evolve GOTY edition.
Evolve released for about £40 on PC and about £55 for consoles. Then we had the £80+ day 1 DLC that came with it. It was mainly monster skins and what not. But come on! If it could be released as day 1 DLC, it should be free! Not £80+ to get all the skins! Its just evidence that 2k games is greedy and wants to rake in money for a half decent game.
This is all the Day 1 DLC that was available on the steam store, there maybe more on XBL and PSN |
Another culprit that got a lot of hate for day 1 DLC was the at first disappointing Mass Effect 3. EVERYONE (and I literally mean everyone) flamed EA as being greedy for making day 1 DLC. Sure if you got the N7 edition on consoles or the Deluxe edition on PC you got the "From Ashes" DLC for free (and if you were a fan of ME series, you most likely did) but if you got the standard edition you had to pay out an extra £10 for it.
An advert for the "From Ashes" DLC, the same release date as ME3 |
In my personal opinion, if it released along side a game's release, it should be free as it was still made with the games original budget. But that's just my two cents.
If you didn't see my main post yesterday the link will be here:
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