Sunday, 15 February 2015

Sneak and Peak

Its another Sunday, and that means another list. It being the 3rd week of the month means its time for another top 5 list. From now on I am going to have my blogs follow an order. 1st week is the preview of the month, the 2nd week is a review of a game. The 3rd week is a top 5 list and the 4th week is just a general discussion. (if there is a 5th Sunday in the month then it will be another review or discussion)

Anyway, this week's top 5 list is my top 5 stealth games of all time (that I've played).

At #5, a very iconic game series by a company that last year fell from glory. I am talking about TC's Splinter Cell. It is hard to pick on Splinter Cell game however if I had to pick one it would be the newest one, Splinter Cell Blacklist. This game is probably my favourite Splinter Cell game. Its got Single Player, Co-Op and Multiplayer. What more can I ask for? Its only downfall is that its hard to find a co-op buddy with a mic.

#4 sees Fallout New Vegas jump into the list. Now some of you might say "Alistair, how can a Fallout game beat Splinter Cell?" Fallout can beat Splinter Cell simply because I play Fallout as if it was a stealth game. New Vegas made it even easier to stealth with the ability to add suppressors to your guns. Plus Fallout had more replayability than Splinter Cell Blacklist does.

DayZ makes it to #3. I play DayZ as if it was a stealth game, and you really have to. If you go in guns blazing you often die and lose your gear. If you play stealthy and tactically you at least survive a bit longer, plus it is fun sneaking up on a sniper and killing him.

One does not simply walk into the #2, but Shadow of Mordor is an exception. I love this game, its like Assassins Creed had a baby with Lord of the Rings and produced this, except it is better than any Assassins Creed game (after AC:Brotherhood) and any LotR games. Its Nemesis feature is like no other system in any other game and I could just get lost and put in 100+ hours just walking around and killing Uruks (or Orks).

However, one franchise stands above the rest, its obvious what takes our #1 spot. None other than the whole Metal Gear Solid franchise. Its almost impossible to pick one game from the franchise, so I'll pick the one I've been playing to get ready for MGS V: The Phantom Pain. I've been playing MGS 3: Snake Eater. Its hard not to love the MGS franchise's charm. From its unique take on history to its 4th wall breaking (not that there was ever one in the franchise) and its jokes.

My song of the week is a weird one but as soon as I heard it I fell in love with it. Just listen to it own below and tell me what you think of it. Until next week, everyone stay dapper.

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