Monday, 20 April 2015

Sometimes the bad guys are the best.

A new top 5 this week. This week we are looking at the top 5 bad guys in gaming (in my opinion).

#5 - Hitler. Now I know this is kinda cheating but in Sniper Elite V2, Sniper Elite 3 and Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombies you can kill Hitler and what most people like doing, shooting him in his balls. I mean, whats not to like? You get to kill one of the most hated leaders of all time 3 times. Now we just need a game where we kill someone who isn't Hitler or any other form of Hitler.

#4 - Any Dragon in Skyrim. Why any Dragon? Because on PC (which I play Skyrim) my Dragon could be a normal Dragon, Macho Man Randy Savage or Thomas the Tank Engine.... And lets be honest, hearing *CHOO CHOO* off in the distance is the most terrifying thing possible. Don't believe me? Listen to the clip below.

#3 - Yourself? Let me tell you why you are a bad guy. In any game that allows you to make moral choices you either make a morally right choice OR you make a morally bad choice. Personally for me it depends on the situation. If I want to get the good ending then I go for the good decisions, if its Mass Effect I renegade whenever possible, the only good decision I made in ME was letting Kaidan die, because no-one likes him. I'd rather have a space racist than a whiny useless Biotic, plus I got Liara for Biotic needs.

#2 - Master Miller. This one is complicated as it isn't Kazuhira (Or Kaz for short) Miller. Its Liquid Snake impersonating Kaz throughout MGS. Basically, Liquid Snake hijacks a nuclear weapon facility and threatens to cause war if his demands are not met. Kind of drastic but you know, Kojima doesn't create normal games (and we love him for it :D) but its stealth aspect was amazing and at the time it was revolutionary. It was close to being The End from MGS 3 as his battle is amazing, or can be avoided totally.

#1 - Albert Wesker... Albert is a classic. At first he seems to be like a strong team leader at the beginning of Resi 1. Then at the end you found out that Wesker is the reason for the whole outbreak. The interesting thing wasn't the main games but the spin off games, Resident Evil: Outbreak File 1 and File 2. These games didn't have any of the main characters but instead made you play as minor characters during the Raccoon incident. If you haven't played Resi Outbreak and have a PS2, go buy them as they are interesting games that remain canon.

This was a kind of weird list as unlike usual, I worked from 1 to 5. It was refreshing and helped me shape my list instead of thinking for hours on end.

And my song of the week tackles an issue in the world. Just thought I would share it with people in the hopes of it making a different to at least one person.

And till next week everyone.

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